Wednesday, 25 September 2013

When I was walking down a secret passage in the forest, I ended up in a cave I was terrified, there was a big beastly dragon that had dark devil, scales and horrible red eyes, I thought it was the end for me, but just then I had an idea! Earlier in the forest I had found a pocket knife so I put it in my pocket. So I got my, pocket knife and, stabbed the dragon, watching the dragon dying so I could, escape was quite, cool then, I ran home and got a thousand cups of beautiful green tea then I went to bed the end.
When I was walking down a secret passage in the forest, I ended up in a cave, I was terrified, there was a big beastly dragon that

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Storm city

Last Tuesday the 10th of September, Canterbury was punished by a brutal storm. From 8pm until early the next day, extreme winds howled. Lightning struck and thunder crashed all over the province. People had to borrow generators and go to the mess for breakfast and dinner.
Local resident Gabe thinks the storm was powerful.
"It was extremely dangerous." A week later locals are still cleaning up.

Monday, 2 September 2013


At the cultural festival

At the cultural festival burnham school performed. Our school was one of the Top three schools that performed. I think we could of been louder but other than that that every body good at singing and the actions.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Emperor's Clothes Technology Challenge

Task: Design two jackets, a skirt and a pair of pants out of newspaper and tape. Every group member must wear an item.

YouTube Video

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Monday, 8 July 2013


The rusty gate creaked ,when I, opened it . My eyes burst
With fear when the tiger opened the gate he was brave, he wasn't scared but I burst into tears. Then a booby trap fell on me, I was crying hard out because the booby trap had sticking zombies on it. Then when I was crying an army soldier came and shot the zombies one by one. I was saved by the army soldier but then I took a step and a rock fell on me. I was nearly dead, luckily I wasn't dead because then I would be a zombie. I had a broken spine from rock.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Learning about how I learn

This term in Room 3 we learned about Multiple Intelligences. There are 8 different intelligences which are the different ways that people are 'smart'.
I completed a survey and graphed my results below so you can see the areas that I think are my strengths.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Reading Rewards

Logan and Keleigh are the first to reach 25 nights of reading at home and recording it in their READ IT book!

Congratulations boys, you both receive a Smiggle pencil as a reading reward!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Swimming Self Assessment

I have coloured the parts of the seahorse that show my swimming skills. Miss Sheppard has put a sticker on my next swimming goal.

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Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Goal Setting Term 1

My literacy goal is to brainstorm my ideas before I start writing.
I will work quietly and write my ideas in my writing book. If I am really stuck I can ask two people at my table then Miss Sheppard.

My numeracy is to learn my 5 times table.
I will play the maths games on the blogs, sing them in the bath or shower, write them down and get Mum to quiz me.

My third goal is to look after my clothing.
I will put my clothes straight in my bag when I get changed.

Thursday, 7 February 2013